Have you ever come to a “T” in the road? Which way should I turn—right or left? In July 1981, I came to a BIG “T,” north of the city of Jacksonville, FL. There were 19 of us (16 teenagers and 3 camp counselors) and we were riding bicycles. I was the tour leader and there were 2 male counselors. The 3 of us went off to the side for a discussion. I wanted to head inland and the 2 guys thought it would be wiser to head east and hug the Atlantic coastline.
FLIP THE COIN! I called it in the air, and I lost! I had given my word to the 2 co-leaders, but I was not happy! I jumped on my 12-speed Schwinn and pedaled east as fast as possible. The teenagers followed me, and it took some miles to “pedal off” my steam! By the way, it was the very best decision we could have made!
Jeremiah pictures travelers who have lost their way (they have strayed away from the Lord). They are standing at a crossroads, and the moment calls for a clear decision. To turn one way means eternal death, and the other way leads to life for all eternity.

This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.
- Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV)
Instead of following the proven ways of the Lord—the only way to bring eternal rest for their souls—the people strayed into idol worship. "The ancient paths" and "the good way" indicate the road of God’s love, repentance, and reconciliation. This is the way God calls us to walk.
As we walk this life path, we might find ourselves in a good place, but other times, we might be stuck in a nasty rut. This Bible verse reminds us to look. This means we should analyze, examine, and assess the path we are walking.
Ask yourself some probing questions. Am I walking the good way? Does this path please the Lord or am I just “doing my own thing” along the path? Have I lost my way?
Walk in it! When we choose to walk in the good way, the Lord will go with us and before us. As we read and study God’s Word, we will learn more about His truth.
Teach me Your way, O LORD: I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name.
- Psalm 86:11
Our hearts are stubborn, and we tend to go our own way. Each of us is given a choice. God is not a bully. He will not force you or me to walk in His path. He calls and invites us to join Him on the path to freedom—from our sin, guilt, and shame.
Head to Heart
This is what the Lord says:
STAND at the crossroads and LOOK
ASK for the ancient path and WALK in the good way
Friends, when you travel this path – YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOUL!
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
- Matthew 11:28