Can you name someone you would like to meet in person? What would it be like to have coffee or lunch with them? Would you ask questions or sit quietly and listen to the conversation? I always thought having afternoon tea with Queen Elizabeth would have been an extraordinary occasion. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to sit and have a conversation with her?
When I read John’s gospel, I am encouraged to notice each person seeking a personal relationship with Jesus. Some have diseases or infirmities, while others have been deeply hurt or suffer from anxiety or loneliness. Jesus is available for people.
In John 3, Jesus and his disciples were in Jerusalem. Late one evening, a Pharisee named Nicodemus came to talk with Jesus. Imagine having the opportunity to sit down and talk with Jesus, to have His attention, and ask the perplexing questions of your heart.
Nicodemus recognized that Jesus had come from God and that He was a teacher. He told Jesus, “No one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him” (John 3:2). And Jesus replied, “No one will see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”
Picture Nicodemus’ facial response. Can you hear his verbal reply to Jesus? “How can this be? Must I return to my mother’s womb?” He came seeking greater understanding and a relationship with Jesus. Conceivably, confusion may have set into his heart and mind.

These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in His name.
- John 20:31
In the Gospel of John, the word, believe, jumps off the pages. This word is found 81 times in the book. Believing is having a firm, complete persuasion of something with certainty.
Nicodemus had not yet believed in Christ. But he was moving toward faith. His statement to Jesus – “We know that You have come from God” – reflects the growing conviction of a sincere seeker.
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life.
- John 3:16
We can draw some lessons from Nicodemus’ nighttime conversation with Jesus.
Day or night, Jesus is available. He is there for us.
We can ask perplexing questions. In God’s perfect timing, He will answer.
No matter who you are, the most critical question to ask yourself is, “Do you believe in Jesus?”
Head to Heart
What are you learning about Jesus this week?
In the four Gospel books, note His care and concern for the people around Him.
Observe His patience as He listens to questions and then delivers Truth-filled answers.
Jesus takes the time – He makes the time – to spend time with His disciples and followers.
Come close to Jesus. Believe in Him. He desires to have a close and personal relationship with you.