Show Notes: Praise and worship play an important role in our heart attitudes toward the Lord. In today’s lesson, we have the beautiful example of one woman – devoted to Him and so very thankful for all He had done to free her from the bondage of sin. The scriptures never tell us what her past involved but through her act of extravagant worship, we know she was grateful and totally committed to her Lord and Savior, Jesus. She brought an expensive perfumed oil, knelt before Jesus, and anointed His feet as she wiped them with her hair. Even to this day, we remember the beautiful setting when Mary gave her praise offering to her Savior. How do I demonstrate my praise, love, and commitment to Jesus? Scripture: John 12:1-11
Worship Song (click here to listen/watch/link): "Alabaster Box"
Easter Reflections | "Extravagant Worship!"