When I was growing up, we had regular times of family devotions. My parents taught us that the Bible is God’s Truth. We were taught to always tell the truth and lying was not acceptable behavior in our home.
I loved the Bible stories we would read together, and, in my heart, I wanted to follow God. One evening after family devotions, I sat on my bed and prayed to receive Jesus as my personal Savior. It’s hard to believe that happened more than 57 years ago. I remember the familiar hymn, Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us, and yes, I needed a faithful Shepherd who would lead me in truth and teach me to walk with Him. Psalm 25:5 has become a significant verse in my life.

The Lord has impressed on our hearts to create Discover God’s Truth Ministries, and it officially launches this month – December 2023. Over the past few years, we have taught God’s Word on our weekly podcast, Walk with God. We trust and pray this ministry will provide many new opportunities to share God’s Truth worldwide.
This weekly blog, Embrace Truth, will offer readers time to connect with God. The word, “embrace” means “to receive gladly; accept willingly.” We invite you to spend a few moments reading and reflecting on God’s Word. His truth can change each of our hearts and lives!