When I was a young girl, I would hike up Paine's Hill on Good Friday, just before noon. I would sit down on a rock ledge and enjoy the view. The scene spread out before me was the center of our small town – one traffic light, bank, and store buildings. There were very few cars on Main Street. All the stores closed from 12 noon until 3:00 p.m., and many people attended the Good Friday church service.
From a distance, my gaze was drawn to the steeple of the Presbyterian Church. I hiked up this hill so I could spend time in quiet reflection and prayer. My mind was filled with Scripture passages talking about the day Jesus suffered on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins many centuries ago. At 3:00 p.m., the church bells broke the silence and clanged loudly to remind us of Jesus’ final words on the cross: “It is finished.”
And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split, and the tombs broke open … Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs.
- Matthew 27:50-52, 55 (NIV)
Can you imagine the news spreading through the streets of Jerusalem? The noise of the crowd grew louder. “Crucify Him!” The women who traveled with Jesus trailed the mob from a distance. The Roman soldiers prevented anyone from approaching the man, who was beaten, bruised, and bleeding.
What was happening to the Teacher, the One who had healed so many people and had demonstrated so much strength, love, compassion, and courage over the past three years? Some in the crowd had personally experienced His healing touch, and many of them embraced His teaching. Yes, He spoke words of Truth and offered promises for eternal life.
From a distance, a group of women stood huddled together in grief and deep sorrow as they looked at three crosses standing on a hill. The sky was black as the earth shook and the rocks split. All of God’s creation responded to the sacrifice of God’s perfect Son. The hearts of the women were overwhelmed with sadness. Jesus died on the cross.
Head to Heart
On Good Friday, I have developed a habit of retreating to a quiet place for reflection. What would it have been like to watch the tragic scene on Golgotha Hill that day? I invite you to take some time to ponder the meaning of the cross for your life. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins – your sin and my sin. He came to earth to do the will of His Heavenly Father.
Remember: Sunday is coming!
Easter Medley:
Yes a day of reflection and a time of worship this morning. Praise His name forever.. thank you Jesus for such a sacrifice for me and each one of us!!!