My older cousin, Linda, was born blind. When we visited her family, I loved sitting in her bedroom and looking at her Braille Bible. As a young girl, I watched her fingers gently glide across the page as she read the verses to me.
Linda and I shared some sweet conversations through the years. Once, I asked her to describe her experiences as a blind woman. She loved Jesus and told me how she looked forward to seeing Him in heaven.
Walking the streets of Jerusalem, Jesus met a man blind from birth. His disciples asked if the man or his parents had sinned. They thought this man’s blindness must be punishment for someone’s sin. However, Jesus told them that his blindness had a purpose. On this day, the power of God would be seen in this man.
Jesus spit on the ground, made mud, and spread the mud over the blind man’s eyes. He told him, “Go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam.” So, the man went, washed, and came back seeing!
- John 9:6-7
Jesus recognized this man’s physical need—physical, yes, but even greater, his spiritual need. Notice how Jesus made mud paste from his saliva in the dirt. Seems gross, right? His eyes were covered with mud, and Jesus told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam.
Friends, it is a long, downhill walk to this pool in Jerusalem. Perhaps a kind person escorted him to the pool. But don’t miss this! The blind man had a decision to make. It was not a quick fix; he had to put in some effort, and it was inconvenient for him. He chose to obey.
He walked down the hill and washed the mud away from his eyes. Can you even imagine what it was like when he opened his eyes that day? The light, the people, and the world around him. He turned and walked back up the hill. For the first time in his life, he could see!
This blind man allowed Jesus to touch him. He did exactly what Jesus instructed him to do. The man obeyed, and Jesus performed a miracle. His sight was restored, and he responded by believing and worshiping Jesus. The works and power of God were displayed in him!
Fanny Crosby lost her sight as an infant, yet she memorized more than 8 books of the Bible and penned over 8,000 poems and hymns. The words to one well-known hymn, All the Way My Savior Leads Me, have rich meaning when we realize Fanny was blind.
All the way my Savior leads me; What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy, Who through life has been my guide?
Heavenly peace, divinest comfort, Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know whatever befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.
Head to Heart
I am not physically blind, but there are blind spots in my life. How about you? Ask the Lord to open your eyes and heart.
Let’s follow this young man's example. Come before Jesus and let Him touch you. Listen carefully and obey His word. He wants to lead and guide each of us.
© 2024 Discover God's Truth Ministries