In January 2012, I ran my first half-marathon. It was exhilarating! I had trained for four months, running miles daily, pacing myself, and learning to add one more mile each week. I must admit there were days when I did not want to lace up my running shoes and go outside, but once I started running, there was a song in my heart, mind, and soul.
Similarly, the race of life is not easy. We face struggles, difficulties, and challenges. Yet the Lord urges His children to press on and continue to live faithfully for Him. These may be difficult words for you to read today. You may be struggling and feeling weary, overwhelmed, or discouraged. The author of Hebrews offers us words of encouragement.
Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then, you will receive all that He has promised.
- Hebrews 10:36
Do you remember Abraham and Sarah in the Old Testament book of Genesis? They obeyed the Lord and traveled to the land of Canaan. A severe famine came to the land, so they journeyed to Egypt. Abram lied and didn’t claim Sarai as his wife. Later, Sarai became impatient because she did not conceive a child. She devised a plan to give her Egyptian handmaiden, Hagar, to bear a son for Abram.
I can be guilty of reading chapters 12–21 in Genesis (about 15 minutes) and criticizing Abram and Sarai for struggling while they waited for a promised son. These chapters span 25 years of their lives—25 long, arduous years! Weeks became months, and months turned to years as they wandered in the promised land, expecting God’s promise to come to fruition.
When the Lord changed their names (Genesis 17), Abram was 99 years old, and Sarai was 89. Abram became Abraham, and Sarai became Sarah. Once again, God promised them countless descendants. Each of them laughed because they were now old.
When Abraham was 100, God sent a precious son, Isaac, just as He had promised. I’m so thankful for the written account of Abraham and Sarah. Although they did not walk perfectly with God, we see the Lord’s faithfulness and mercy as they struggled to believe God would fulfill His promise.
For in just a little while, the Coming One will come and not delay. And my righteous ones will live by faith.
- Hebrews 10:37-38
Sometimes, life’s path is steep and rocky, with many twists and turns. Join me today as we tell God we will live by faith and patiently endure.
Head to Heart
How can we practice patient endurance? For some, it is a short time; for others, months turn into years.
What is the struggle or difficulty in front of you?
Why are you discouraged?
Who has let you down?
Perhaps you are a runner, and those long runs help you reframe your thoughts and attitudes with the Lord. I enjoy taking long walks and talking with the Lord. Others find solace in watching the sunrise, seeing birds gather at a feeder, painting furniture, or knitting a blanket. Turn these moments into opportunities to seek the Lord and ask for endurance.
I want to encourage each of us to find a place or activity where we can bring our current circumstances to the Lord. Cry out to Him! Open your heart, soul, and mind because He hears you. Lift your voice to the Lord.
Read and meditate on these words from the psalmist, David.
O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way? How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day? How long will my enemy have the upper hand? Turn and answer me, O Lord my God! Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.
- Psalm 13:1-3
Song: Trust in God –