SCRIPTURE: 2 Samuel 22 / Psalm 18
SHOW NOTES: We all experience days when words of praise just don’t roll off our tongue. In our Scriptures today, David gives us examples for how we can approach those times when life is difficult and when it seems too hard for our lips to praise the Lord. In 2 Samuel 22 & Psalm 18, we see two versions of the same account in David’s life.
The book of 2 Samuel is set in an historical framework but each of these chapters is written as Hebrew poetry. David declares, “I love you, O Lord, my strength.”
He knows he can cry out of God. The Lord will rescue His children from their strong enemies. These words from a hymn penned over 150 years ago are filled with truth … “When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay … On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” He is my rock and my salvation.
SONG: "Worthy Of My Song" -
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