1 Peter 2:1-8
As we read and study the book of First Peter, this word comes to mind: “Rich. This book is so rich – verse by verse.” Peter is addressing the topic of our salvation and deliverance from sin. Our lives should be changed, and this is God’s work of sanctification in you and me. Peter continues with his instruction to believers in chapter two. Put away your negative behavior and change bad habits. The call is for positive action. You should crave the pure spiritual milk, and then you will grow in your personal walk with the Lord.
Peter moves from “eating” to “construction.” Jesus is the Living Stone, chosen and precious. He is the solid rock and the Cornerstone. Verse five says, “You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” As living stones, we are called to serve and to worship. Christ is the Cornerstone, and we are the living stones.
Song: The Solid Rock
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