This quote from author Timothy Keller is intriguing. “To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything.”
The yearning to be loved and known is an innate human desire. Friends, this is part of God’s creative design. There are days we feel lonely or like we have been overlooked. You probably don’t have to think long before you can recall a specific situation, group, or gathering when you felt unnoticed or left out.
This week, I have reflected on three words: The LORD knows. They are simple yet profound. My initial thoughts drifted toward day-to-day life. He knows when I am happy, angry, sad, or fearful. Yet, I sensed a more profound, underlying truth and turned to the Bible for more insight. There is a treasure of hidden meaning to be found in these words.
The LORD knows the days of the upright, and their inheritance shall be forever.
- Psalm 37:18 (NKJV)
In our English Bibles, we read “Lord,” “God,” or “the LORD,” and do not equate any differences to these names of God. We read the words and often neglect the actual definition. However, in the Hebrew Scriptures, we can identify the differences in each name. God’s specific names provide us with a glimpse of His character and the depth of meaning in those names.
“The LORD” is the Hebrew name for Jehovah. This name is used most often and appears over 6,500 times in Scripture. Each time we see “The LORD” written in verses, it reminds us He is a relational, personal God. The Lord desires to have a personal relationship with you and me. We are precious in His sight.
“Jehovah is the side of God who relates to His creation personally … Jehovah is the God who personally reveals Himself to us, often through the trials and struggles we face.”
- Dr. Tony Evans, The Power of God’s Names, p. 45
Now, let’s consider the meaning of “knows.” This word originates from the Hebrew word, yada. It means knowing intimately and by experience (including observation, care, recognition, instruction, or punishment).
The LORD knows … a relational and personal God who knows everything intimately about us. Even though He is aware of our sins and shortcomings, He continues to pursue deep, meaningful relationships. The end of Keller’s quote summarizes beautifully: " To be fully known and truly loved is a lot like being loved by God.”
Rather than run into the open arms of a loving God, many of us run to people, food, activities, or other stimuli. He wants to know us intimately and engage in personal relationships with us. Where do you run?
Head to Heart
Caught in the whirlwind of your day and week, does your heart feel lonely, joyful, angry, or sad? Share your heart with Him. He is waiting to hear everything you want to tell Him.
Finish this sentence according to your current circumstance, challenge, trial, or struggle.
The LORD knows …