Early this morning, I walked around a lovely pond. The sun rose in the east, and the moon shone brightly in the west. It was picturesque, and I began singing, “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” I stood in the dew-kissed meadow and loudly proclaimed, “Lord, I worship You! You are worthy of my praise and adoration!”
God’s written word can prepare our hearts for worship. King David has given us a beautiful pattern for offering thanks and praise to the Lord. When we worship God, we have an opportunity to exclaim our love, devotion, and awe for who He is!

Oh, give thanks to the Lord; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually!
- 1 Chronicles 16:8-11
Our words of thanks to the Lord are sacrifices of praise. There are days when we joyfully acknowledge God’s goodness, love, and care, but there are other days when we struggle to function because of discouragement, sickness, or hard times.
In these moments, words of praise to the Lord are essential. This is a picture of sacrifice. Tell the Lord that you are struggling to praise Him. Then, offer praise to Him because you trust Him and believe He will meet you in this time of need.
Head to Heart
Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess His name.
- Hebrew 13:15
In the morning or evening, speak these phrases out loud and specifically present your thanks and praise to the Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord.
Declare two specific items of thanks.
Glory in His Holy Name.
Exclaim three Names of God (i.e. Redeemer, Good Shepherd, Alpha & Omega).
Make known His deeds & wondrous works.
Celebrate His power and personal answers to prayer.
Sing praises to Him.
Listen to a favorite hymn or worship song. Sing out loud!
Seek the Lord’s strength.
Ask Him to give you an extra measure of strength.
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
- Psalm 16:11
Thank you !