Did you ever hear this when you were growing up? “Go wash your hands, it’s time for dinner.” These were Mom’s instructions for my two brothers and me just before we sat at the dining room table. Of course, we did need to apply soap and water to our hands because we had been running around outside, playing kickball, and climbing trees. Our hands were dirty!
There are two sentences in James 4:8. In the second sentence, our attention is drawn to two parts of our bodies – our hands and our hearts. One represents our outward behavior, and the other represents our inward behavior.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
-James 4:8
How do we act toward others? What does our behavior or conduct reveal to others? We don’t need to think very long or hard to come up with a list of outward actions that are more selfish rather than selfless. It is a choice to clean up our actions and cleanse our hands.
In the second part of this sentence, we realize the thoughts, attitudes, and motives in our hearts can be hidden from the view of others. We look good on the outside, but inside, we cling to and harbor resentment, anger, or a critical spirit. Each of us struggles with our original sinful nature, which is an issue of the heart. It’s necessary to examine our hearts and identify the hidden sin.
Drawing near to God is both an alluring and challenging task. Initially, I feel called to a comfortable chair with a warm blanket. “Lord, I’m here and want to spend time with you.” However, I tend to run through the hours of my day and do not take the time to draw near to God. I don’t pause long enough to evaluate and confess my wrong behavior, actions, attitudes, or thoughts. I do not actively seek the Lord’s cleansing of my hands and heart.
Let me be honest with you. Over the past few days, I have thought a lot about this Bible verse. In some ways, it is a simple verse – two sentences, and each sentence has two action steps.
Part One – Draw near to God / God will draw near to you
Part Two – Cleanse your hands / Purify your heart
However, my heart and mind have been drawn to the complexity of truly living this verse. Do I put my actions, behavior, thoughts, and motives before the Lord every moment throughout the day? Do I seek to be cleansed and purified as I stand before the Lord? Friends, too often, I choose to walk in my own stubborn way and wander down my path of selfish desire.
My Prayer: Lord, I desire to walk close beside You, and my heart longs for You to come near to me. Speak to me through Your Word. Only You can give me clean hands and a pure heart. Guide my steps and help me walk in a way that brings glory to Your name.