Scripture: Proverbs 7
In the opening verses of Proverbs 7, the author addresses “My son” and exhorts each of us to "treasure my commandments. Keep my commandments and live!”
Keep the Word of God close to your fingertips. Wisdom is precious and is to be guarded and held in high regard.
Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and call understanding your intimate friend.
– Proverbs 7:4
Proverbs 7:15-21 calls attention to the current trend in pornography. Not only are more men being drawn into this addictive trap but increasingly, the percentage of women struggling with pornography is growing.
Our friend, Dr. Juli Slattery teaches about God and His design for our sexuality. We invite you to visit their ministry website Authentic Intimacy and explore the many valuable resources.
Song: Take My Life -
Find it on the Discover God’s Truth website, on Spotify, or Apple Podcasts.
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